BRSK Rollout - What do you need to know?

Cllr Ryan Priest and Lib Dem Community Campaigners Kash Khan and Ethan Stafford are doing battle with telecoms giant BRSK as their rollout continues across our community. While BRSK have no legal responsibility to properly consult with local residents ahead of their work, the FOCUS Team have accused the company have failing in their moral responsibility to work with local residents.
Community Campaigner Kash Khan said:
“Residents are coming home from work to find telegraph poles at the bottom of their drive, it is simply not good enough”
FOCUS Team’s Ethan Stafford added:
“On more than one occasion BRSK have attempted to put their poles up private property, in residents front gardens!”
Cllr Ryan Priest said:
“Good consultation isn’t an annoying hoop to jump through, its an important process to ensure residents get the right infrastructure in the right places”
When BRSK come to your street, it is important to know what your rights are. Nobody is opposed to affordable and fast broadband, in fact it is important as we future proof our community. This is about putting the right infrastructure in the right places, and that needs decent consultation with local people.
BRSK claim to consult with residents, but Cllr Priest has spoken to a number of residents who argue that this is not the case.
How to comment on BRSK Poles
Step One
Write an Email to - explain the location of the pole and why it should be moved or removed.
Step Two
Please let Cllr Priest and the Lib Dem FOCUS Team know about your objection by emailing
Step Three
If the local team refused to move the pole/s you are objecting to, you can then write a letter to their head office. Address this letter to BRSK Limited at 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London
W1W 7LT. Again, explain the location and why it should be moved. In this letter make sure to include the line “I am writing to you with reference to Sections 78,79 and 80 of the Electronic
Communications Code.”